
Free Designer Compression Socks to First Responders, Healthcare and Essential Workers

New York State was the first and has so far been the hardest hit by the COVID-19 coronavirus. The elderly, disabled, and medically compromised friends, family and neighbors were infected at alarming rates.  This caused the largest death and infection rate in decades. Putting their lives on the line to care for the community are our first responders, healthcare and essential workers. These are our heros and heroines, we should offer our support by gifting them a free pair of compression socks. 

Those on the front line of the pandemic spend long hours working to help us, putting themselves and families at risk. Many becoming infected themselves leaving a large gap in available staffing. resulting in extended hours and more shifts.  

To show our gratitude and support for their dedication to humanity during the most ferocious virus in decades, Magic Feet mission is to provide them with a free pair of compression socks for each sold.

A Personal Thank You

With each purchase a personalized thank you card is inserted in your sock mailing package and a thank you card with your first name will be inserted in donated sock; giving it the personal touch.


We will support and boost morale of first responders, healthcare and essential workers. We will unite and stand in support of them in the battle against Covid19 and other catastrophes against humanity.


To provide first responders, healthcare, essential workers with free compression sock which will help make their job easier.

Corona Virus Stats

USA Deaths to Date
4800 +
USA Infected to Date

In Memory of

“This project is dedicated to the memory of my sista, my friend and my Ferry Godmother crewster, Debra Gillians. She was a multiple sclerosis warrior but departed this life way to early in the Corona Virus pandemic 2020.” I will miss her along with so many others.

- Aquanetta "FerryGodmother" Wright

Executive Producer

NYS Hardest Hit

New York State was the first and has so far been the city hardest hit by the COVID-19 coronavirus. The elderly, disabled, and medically compromised friends, family and neighbors were infected at alarming rates. The largest death and infection rate in decades. first responders, healthcare and essential workers are heros and heroines , putting their lives on the line to care for the community.

Front Line Heros

The many on the front line of the pandemic spend very long hours caring for the sick. This is due to the increase in demand and the decrease in workers. To show our gratitude and support for their dedication to humanity during the most ferocious virus in decades, Magic Feet mission will provide them with a free pair of compression socks for each sold.
We are not just a moment, we are a part of a long-term movement of support.
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Aquanetta "FerryGodmother" Wright


We Don't Just Talk the Talk, We Walk the Walk for over 25 years!

We Are!

Ferry Godmother is a NYS certified MWBE company. For the past 25 years we have used our creative energy to bring great projects to life, always keeping quality of life matters in community as the center of our priority. 

Give a Personalized Thank You

With each purchase you make we will insert a personalized thank you card with your first in each donated sock package. The card states our mission, vision and relates community support and thanks for the heroic actions of first responders, healthcare and essential workers during Covid 19 pandemic.

For more information go to www.FerryGodmother.com